
Organizational Profile


Euro-BioImaging is a pivotal European research infrastructure specializing in biological and biomedical imaging, recognized by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). This open-access platform offers life science researchers access to cutting-edge imaging equipment, expertise, training, and data management services that might not be available at their home institutions or through traditional collaborations. 


Euro-BioImaging Opportunities Israel Member Institutes Contact Persons

Access to Cutting-Edge Imaging Technologies

Funding Opportunities

Training and Education

Data Services

Community and Collaboration

Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Bar-Ilan University

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Tel Aviv University

Weizmann Institute of Science

University of Haifa

* Some of the opportunities are open to the entire Israeli research community including Industry

Dr. Sharon Yagur-Karol, Scientific Officer of Bio-Medical Research

Academic Node Head:
Prof. Michal Neeman, WIS

EVOLVE Node Survey 2024

Euro-BioImaging invites you to participate in the EVOLVE Survey. As a new EU-funded initiative designed to strengthen and expand the Euro-BioImaging community, the input from our node is essential to shape EuBI’s action plan in the following key areas:

  • Training for Node staff
  • User communities
  • Imaging data
  • Green and sustainable research infrastructures

Please take a few moments to help EuBI fine-tune their plans for your needs; spreading the word at your node will be highly appreciated!


 Events and Opportunities


Event Date Events & Links Deadline Cost Funding More Info
EMBL Imaging Center User Symposium
Heidelberg, Germany (in person)
Abstract Submission and Registration
SEP 5, 2024
Free Registration Travel grant up to €1000
EPFL LATSIS Symposium on Smart Microscopy
Lausanne, Switzerland (hybrid)
Registration and abstract/poster submission
AUG 16, 2024

Online Registration
OCT 10, 2024
Registration Fee:
CHF 150 (online)
None More info



Training for Node Staff


Job Shadowning Training Courses Mentoring
This program allows Node staff to visit other Nodes within the Euro-BioImaging network to learn, exchange ideas, and best practices in scientific, technical, operational, and data management fields. Euro-BioImaging offers a variety of training courses aimed at developing specific skills relevant to imaging technologies, data management, and operational excellence. These courses are tailored to meet the evolving needs of Node staff. Allow less experienced members of the Nodes to be mentored by more experienced colleagues. These mentoring relationships aim to benefit both mentors and mentees and support skill building, career development, and daily operations.
International job shadowing program - Open call for 2024 until September 9, 2024 What are your Training needs?
fill up the node survey.
Both mentors and mentees need to fill out the form by September 31, 2024.
  • A call every year 2024-2026
  • EuBI node staff should have received information on the application and matchmaking service
  • Curriculum being defined
  • Funding to attend external courses
  • Meeting at least once a month for a 6 month period
  • Mentoring pairs are carefully matched based on relevant skills, experience, and specific areas.


For any questions, please contact Dr. Dorit Hazut-Avrahami.